PS, Germ Theory, Serotonin, Peat

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Key to understanding PS is to understand what is “the rigidity of soul,” and thus rigidity of matter. Serotonin and anti-serotonin experiences calibrate exactly with regard to this. Serotonin exactly does this rigidifying, sedimenting, coagulating effect upon the liquid crystalline structure, i.e. life. It literally coagulates one’s blood. It literalizes.

Theoretical poles represented by Louis Pasteur and Antoine Bechamp before the beginning of the century, can hint us a biological route with regard to Paranoid-Schizoid position, i.e. extreme fear of bad, and elimination of complete evil, or bad, or what is poisonous to life. The modern forking of medicine naturally chooses the first pole. Medicine in its mechanical pursuit of elimination of Death does this by ignoring all the liquid “cleaning” processes of organism.

Organism is self cleaning, if somehow contaminated, it can clean itself just by living its energical life. Obsession with hygiene and sterilization, stalls exactly this energical process. Obsession of modular body parts comes after this. Hence, modern medicine. Along with organic body, every germ becomes solidified too, becomes monomorphic—contrast it with Terrainian pleomorphism and exosome theory. Only with monomorphic theory, we can evade completely from what is poisonous to body, what we call germ. Vaccines are designed exactly for this. A monomorphic ad hoc antitode, pharmakon, to a monomorphic life-threat. On the contrary, if no structure is rigid, either that of organic body or that of the germ, idea of vaccine becomes superfluous.

Paranoid-schizoid attitude, extreme distancing to bad object, tries to play “the floor is lava.” If germs, i.e. what signals Death, is everywhere, then, organism must escape infinitely, by hibernating and closing completely. Isolation of inside from outside. Including non-perception and non-acting—these are the primary input and output of an organism. Perceive, act. If input and output can be eliminated, threat of Death becomes meaningless. Paranoid-Schizoid in its last shenanigan, tries to evade Perceiving and Acting. “Becoming insensitive.”

Hence complete fear regarding germs, toxicity, thus Death, itself comes with the degeneration of Life impulse. Hence, the infantile hell and agony for the new born. This may be the most distant thing from the structure-giving experience of a new born. Schizoid in its schizoid agony, is not Living, it somehow spoiled even just before it has “high metabolism.” For the new born experience may be mildly fracturing, when the high energy comes, i.e. mother comes, baby mind can easily strip the schizoid injury from its present moment off, continuing its research into energetics and language, i.e. learning. But, adult baby, infantilism, could not easily does this, due to necessary catabolism of after-adolescence. Thus, baby is not schizoid, the schizoid resiudal hell of an infant can be reached excessively only in adult life. Adult infantile, mostly after its twenties, falls into and somehow loses its way, in its childhood Hell. This is the recipe, dynamics, of Paranoid-Schizoid position. Remember, most schizophrenia starts in twenties, due to the necessary hypothyroidism coming with degeneration. Similarly, mild schizophrenias, which now called Personality Disorders, also are gained their last forms around the same age.

Psyhcology and biology are interdependent in the dynamic of Paranoid-Schizoid position, as long as energy and atructure are interdependent. Biology, and biological science, must be interdependent in the same sense. Science-making is also and necessarily prone to Paranoid-Schizoid positionings, fruitfuls startings, falling short, and eventually becoming confined into its infantile hell-like states.

Pleomorphic theory, evades the Paranoid-Schizoid organic problem, by, embracing terrain. Being sick and transmission of sickness is input and output signallings of highly organized animals. Organisms throw and catch their exosomes to one another. As the inter-individual signallings of Life and Death states. Mono-cellular packages can directly form from multicellular organisms. Cellular and Multicellular-Tissue level life is interdependent and continuosly inter-forming and inter-meshing. Exosomes signal new sickness and hence anti-sickness signals. PS threat is evaded through the Death state of the particular threat to particular Life state. PS comes its anti-PS. In order to achieve new Life, you have pass its Death-threshold. This is Vonderplanitzian rites of passage: passing of the threshold of detoxification. If you still live after the Death test. A radical view to organism, may be true with a quite global look into biological re-genetics of given states. But, exactly because of this given states, it is ad hoc. It does not state how individual and local organism can achieve its new, more energetic forms. Detoxification is from inside to outside: From the guts through the organism. Guts -> Blood -> lymphatic system. Chylomicron quality is due to fat quality. Fat regulates anti-PS power of the organism. The resulting diet is Raw Primal. Every endotoxemia can be cleansed through inside out lymphatic movement. You sweat off your Death, if it ends.

Ray Peat’s anti-endotoxic stance, exactly aims the Paranoid-Schizoid problem at its guts. But it does not try to transcend PS through Anti-PS. Rather, it gives the genetics of any PS. It starts from the before, tohu-va-bohu, of a PS state. Detoxification is not homogeneously inside from outside. Rather, it is through the purging of the inside, or the constipation. If the innards of the organism is “toxic,” i.e. filled with the byproducts, poo-poo of other cellular Life, poison, tocisity; then the organism try to eliminate all the poo-poo, toxicity, fecal matter, excretion starting from its outside. Inside toxicity is displaced towards outside. This is the fracturing of the organism, hence seperates its Psychology from its Biology. This is the exact dynamic of what happens in a Paranoid-Schizoid motion.

Probably, thirsting to eliminate all matter from the existence. But forgets that all cleanliness comes from the inside, both for spiritual inside, and for somatic inside: gut. Homogenized terrain ad hoc science and nutrition, in turn, negates the cleanliness, it can try every toxicity, if it lives, it lives. In one sense, PS and Anti-PS creates each other, they are determined from their negation. Both Ortodox Germ Theory and Terrain Theory fails to give the energetics of what eventually ends up as PS.

But the genetics of PS, what happens before PS, really explains:

Peat is germ theory par excellence, not outwardly, but inwardly. By sending the theory its energical endpoints, it becomes clear that, organism must purge its innards into outside world. Somehow, it must externalize, and internalize. It must converse its relation with outside, by its “own” externalization processes. If not, it becomes anti-germ. It must have the peristalsis. All cleanliness comes topologically. Grounding and detoxification starts by purgeing. Peristatlsis regulates PS, it regulates Death, from innards of organism to downwards, to ground. Further, quality of oxidation and stability of it, Respiration=Pneuma, is the Life force, from the upwards, to chest. Respiration is before PS. Inner-toxicity creates it. Peristalsis is of downward, Oxidation is of upward energical processes. Of Death and Life.

Resulting diet is rich in electron adsorbers, Lewis acids, quinones, stabile fats; and poor in anti-peristalsis, rancid-unsaturated fats. Upward and downward dynamism. If downward stalls, liquid circulation coagulates, hence respiration becomes externally controlled. Hence:

Peat’s stance toward the external controlling of the organism, as the problematic PS of the human world:

`The attempt to steer a person can make it hard for them to move, because it inactivates their own guidance system.`

Does this create a PS? Exactly. This is whay we are all here, forming a new sect, which is a peculiar anti-sect. This is determined serotonergically, if any one of us does not have any amount of serotonin, probably we would not be pulled to each other, in a digital system, from our computers, forming an anti-digital stance.

But, the degrees of serotonin cascades must be differentiated from each. One is less, other is more. And calibrating the exact feeling of what a serotonin cascade is is the exact antidote to PS, which is brough by Peat, only by Peat, in known history.

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